
Predefined project no. 3 – „Combating hate crimes and violent extremism, particularly against Roma population, and increasing the quality of police service”

Project Promoter

General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police

Donor Project Promoter

National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS); Norwegian Police University College; Oslo Police District; National Police Directorate (POD)


2.823.529 EUR

Important activities

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the national capacities in preventing, identifying and investigating hate crimes, as well as increasing the quality and responsibility of the Romanian Police in this regard. The project addresses the main problems involving hate crimes and violent extremism, particularly against Roma communities.

The project will, inter alia, include the following main activities:
- Capacity building and transfer of knowledge through training sessions, seminars and workshops;

- Awareness raising and anti-victimization campaigns targeting both specialized audience and the general public;

- Establishment of an anti-hate crime unit within the Romanian police;

- Provision of identity registration papers to undocumented persons from Roma communities;

- Drafting legal procedures related to police accountability and measures to increase access to basic human rights for the Roma poplualtion.